Ali Salar

| Computer Vision Engineer | AI Researcher |


Let me introduce myself.

I am a creative, multi-disciplinary AI researcher with a passion for image and video processing. What captivates me the most is the exploration of novel machine learning methodologies and the development of state-of-the-art neural networks. In the future, I would like to make a valuable contribution to developing innovative and immersive deep neural networks by finding efficient methods to overcome the challenges of this field.

Personal Info

  • Fullname: Ali Salar
  • Nickname: Parham
  • BirthDate: January 8, 1998
  • Email:
  • Address: Tehran, Iran

Fields of Interests

  • Machine Learning:

    Deep Learning | Reinforcement Learning | Transfer Learning

  • Computer Vision:

    Image Annotation | Multi-Label Classification | Object Detection | Image segmentation / 3D point cloud segmentation | Image Generation | Video-based Object Tracking | Visual Odometry

  • Natural Language Processing:

    Sentiment Analysis | Machine Translation

  • Software Engineering | Software Development | Data Mining


Check Out My Articles.

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Coming soon!

Check Out Some of My Projects.

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Let me present my skills.

As a Master's student in AI with a computer engineering background, my expertise spans various programming and design domains, with a focus on machine learning and deep learning. Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have worked in a range of programming languages, as evidenced below.

Machine & Deep Learning

  • Python:

    Pytorch | Tensorflow & Keras | Sklearn | NumPy | Matplotlib

Neural Networks

  • CNNs | RNNs | Transformers | GCNs


  • Git & Github | Kaggle & Colab | Docker(familiar) | LATEX

Web & Application Development

  • Back-end:

    Microsoft asp .net core (C#)

  • Front-end:

    HTML/CSS | Bootstrap | JavaScript/jQuery

  • Apps:

    Flutter (dart)

Programming Languages

  • C# | C++ | Matlab | Java/JavaFX | Verilog, VHDL and x86 Assembly (familiar)

Education & Work Experience

Computer Vision Engineer

Sep 2023 – Now

Startup Studio Octa (Link) (Demo)

The objective of this project is to develop an embedded system utilizing the NVIDIA Jetson Orin platform. We design and develop a hybrid system that integrates deep learning techniques such as Wildnav with optical flow to enable unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to navigate autonomously in the absence of Global Positioning System (GPS) signals.

Graduate Student Researcher

Feb 2022 – Sep 2023

Intelligent Information Processing lab (Link)

Being a dedicated and enthusiastic researcher, I am working on innovative AI techniques such as image captioning, multi-label classification, and object detection under the supervision of Dr. Ali Ahmadi. I am particularly interested in image and video sentiment analysis.

Master Degree

2020 – 2023

K.N.Toosi University of Technology (Link)
World university rankings 2023: 1001 - 1200th (Link)

Thesis: Automatic Image Annotation using Deep Recurrent Convolutional Networks

Cumulative GPA: 18.02/20 (US CGPA: 4/4)

Bachelor Degree

2016 – 2020

K.N.Toosi University of Technology

Thesis: Design and Implementation of Android Apartment Management Application using Web Services

Cumulative GPA: 17.34/20 (US CGPA: 3.80/4)